Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A comment from a reader

A comment from a reader. I have the feeling that Sotero's thoughts are the same of every Broncos fan at this point.

Keep sending the comments in!


I will like to say that blog is awesome!!!! Keep up the good work.

I agree this team is very pitiful to watch. There is a bunch of talent on the team but no heart and desire. These guys have to realize that it is about winning not playing out the string. These guys have a golden opportunity to make it. To win a championship in the professional level. They are playing like if they are the Whitewings. Nothing to play for. WRONG!!!! All we need is a couple of wins to make the playoffs. And also to have the best pitching staff in a shore series is more motivation to win.

Veterans like Clemente, Luany, Reyes, Ponce, Santos are great to watch but there lack of leadership shows. They are the ones that need to step it up and show the young guys how to play. It seems they just worry about helping themselves. I think that Dan Shwam is doing a great job. He is a proven winner and he shows he cares as he argues the calls that need to argue and also defends his team. I think he needs to step it up and be more involved including coaching third base like every other manager. Shwam has been the best manager the team has had. he should do a tommy lasorda and hopefully that will change the luck of the team.

I hope we make it and win the championship to Laredo. I wish this talented team will play like it is, A TEAM. Instead of individuals.

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